Employee Retention and Engagement During The Great Resignation

by | Feb 16, 2022 | HR Tips

Talent acquisition, employee retention and employee engagement are all hot-ticket items that all HR professionals currently face in today’s Covid great resignation world. Employees want to be included in discussions that affect them in a collaborative, respectful manner. While all companies, from global companies to small and medium-sized businesses, face individual ‘people’ challenges, there are some similarities when it comes to creating an engaged workforce. People want their leaders to communicate with them in an authentic and transparent way. They prefer a workplace whose leadership teams are collaborative, open and communicative.

What can you do to motivate, inspire and engage your teams?

Ensure your organization has a strong HR compliance foundation. Are all your policies up-to-date, for example?

Do your employees have clearly defined roles and responsibilities; and up-to-date job descriptions?

Do you recognize your people; rewarding the exceptional employee and addressing poor performance where applicable and as it occurs so employees are given an opportunity to work on pain points?

Do you have a ‘buddy system’ or mentoring program in place?

Finally and very important: What’s your leadership style? You may consider reviewing your leadership methods to see whether a certain style works for your organization and its people. Effective leaders are able to move among styles, selecting the one that is required ‘in the moment’. If you’re managing from the top-down, this won’t work today. Think about how you as a leader or senior manager can inspire your teams. Communicate, communicate, communicate. We cannot stress this enough! Employees want #transparency and communication. Authentic, transparent communication helps boost employee morale. It starts at the top. Lead by example.

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